Rajamouli is the most sought after director in India. He gave superstardom to Mega Power Star Ram Charan Teja with Magadheera and turned heroes like Prabhas,NTR,Nitin,Sunil and Nani as stars and Super Stars.
His graphical adventure Eega went on to bag two national awards and showed the power of Sandalwood star Sudeep. Currently he is makaing starstudded Bahubali with stars Rana, Prabhas,Rana.
The film is attracting the attention of all movie lovers and according to latest information Rajamouli is breaking Bahubali to pieces. Buzz is if film makers take the film according to the script Rajamouli has, then it comes to 4hrs.
Film makers are unable to decide where to delete and some came with the idea of cutting Bahubali and taking it in two parts. Rajamouli should take final call on the entire matter.