Looks like, Anushka has fond of female-centric films. After 'Arundhati', 'Panchakshari', and now 'Rudhramadevi', Anushka Shetty is all set for her next female-centric film and it is said to be a biggest budget female-centric film in her career with a whopping Rs 55 crore project.
Anushka, who is busy working on Gunasekhar's magnum opus 'Rudhramadevi, is set for yet another women-centric film, titled as 'Varna'. Touted to be a bilingual film (Telugu-Tamil), the movie is being produced by Prasad V Potluri under PVP Cinema.
Sri Raghava, of 7/G Brundavan colony, is directing the film. It has music by Harris Jayaraj. Anushka will be seen alongside Aarya who plays a supportive role.
The makers have wrapped up their shoot and currently, the post-production work is underway. The Tamil version of the film is titled as 'Irandam Ulagam' and the film is likely to release in August.