Leading South Indian actress Nazriya Nazim doesn't want to work in Malayalam projects anymore. The stunning actress is currently running busy with her upcoming flicks like, Raja Rani, Naiyyandi and Thirumanam Ennum Nikkah in Tamil. However, Nazriya is also working on two Malayalam projects with Nivin Pauly.
The sensational actress Nazriya Nazim marked her debut as female lead in Neram opposite Nivin Pauly.
Now the buzz is that Nazzy has been refusing all the Mollywood offers coming her way. Actually, the young star prefers to concentrate on her Kannad film career and want to share screen space with all the famous southern superstar.
As we don't know the actual reasons behind her refusal for the Malayalam films, there may be some specific future plans in Nazriya's mind for her acting career.
The sensational actress Nazriya Nazim marked her debut as female lead in Neram opposite Nivin Pauly.
Now the buzz is that Nazzy has been refusing all the Mollywood offers coming her way. Actually, the young star prefers to concentrate on her Kannad film career and want to share screen space with all the famous southern superstar.
As we don't know the actual reasons behind her refusal for the Malayalam films, there may be some specific future plans in Nazriya's mind for her acting career.