It looks like the era of Kajal Agarwal, Ileana and Anushka is coming to an end and a new bright face is taking over Tollywood. She is Shruti Haasan. After a rough start to her career, Shruti is now becoming the hottest heroine in Telugu and she is mixing her beauty with sex appeal in the right dose to entertain the audience.
Recently she was seen in ‘Balupu’ and many say one of the reasons for the film becoming successful is Shruti’s hot glamour. Already, few clippings and stills of her other film ‘Yevadu’ have also come out and Shruti has given full masala there also. So now, many are waiting to see if she will give the same hot treatment to Junior NTR.
Shruti is pairing up with Junior NTR for the film ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ and currently she is shooting for a song with him at Ramoji Film City. Though her role is limited sources say it is very crucial. If Shruti can give the same glamour dose here also then the film will have additional strength to do well once it releases.
Recently she was seen in ‘Balupu’ and many say one of the reasons for the film becoming successful is Shruti’s hot glamour. Already, few clippings and stills of her other film ‘Yevadu’ have also come out and Shruti has given full masala there also. So now, many are waiting to see if she will give the same hot treatment to Junior NTR.
Shruti is pairing up with Junior NTR for the film ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ and currently she is shooting for a song with him at Ramoji Film City. Though her role is limited sources say it is very crucial. If Shruti can give the same glamour dose here also then the film will have additional strength to do well once it releases.