India’s Union Minister for Tourism Chiranjeevi has announced a cash award of Rs 5 lakhs for British social worker Jodie Underhill, for her services during Uttarakhand floods disaster. Uttarakhand floods caused massive damage for people and property and Uttarakhand tragedy is regarded as one of the greatest tragedies in Indian history.
Jodie Underhill has done great service during that time by collecting the garbage at food stalls and relief camps. Jodie Underhill is a respected social activist who established a voluntary organisation ‘Mountain Cleaners’ with the aim of maintaining cleanliness at pilgrimage places in Himalayan region. Star turned politician Chiranjeevi has personally announced this cash gift in his personal capacity, on the occasion of his birthday on August 22.
Jodie Underhill has done great service during that time by collecting the garbage at food stalls and relief camps. Jodie Underhill is a respected social activist who established a voluntary organisation ‘Mountain Cleaners’ with the aim of maintaining cleanliness at pilgrimage places in Himalayan region. Star turned politician Chiranjeevi has personally announced this cash gift in his personal capacity, on the occasion of his birthday on August 22.