You might be wondering how Bollywood super star Shah Rukh Khan lost to Pawan Kalyan. But yes its true, King Khan lost to Pawan by a huge margin in terms of box office collections. Attarintiki Daredi which got released yesterday reported gigantic openings ever for any Telugu film in US. The premiere show collections of Attarintiki Daredi are $424359 where as Shah Rukh’s Chennai Express grossed $260K only and this Power star’s stamina at box office.
The analysts predict that the movie may collect $400-500K in the second day and may touch the mark of USD 2 Million by this weekend. The movie is all set to smash all the Tollywood overseas box office records. Well there can be superstars, megastars in industry but no one can match the Powerstar at box office..
Search Terms: Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan, Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan at Box Office Collections, Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan Overseas Collections, Pawan Kalyan vs Shah Rukh Khan
The analysts predict that the movie may collect $400-500K in the second day and may touch the mark of USD 2 Million by this weekend. The movie is all set to smash all the Tollywood overseas box office records. Well there can be superstars, megastars in industry but no one can match the Powerstar at box office..
Search Terms: Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan, Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan at Box Office Collections, Pawan Kalyan beats Shah Rukh Khan Overseas Collections, Pawan Kalyan vs Shah Rukh Khan