Rudrama Devi Gunasekhar dream project shooting is running at brisk pace with Anushka as lead near Kuntala waterfalls in Adilabad district, movie unit have erected a special set and shooting is running in that set which is beside waterfalls. As per our source she will be doing some risky stunts in that Danger Zone.
Anushka is playing the title role queen Rudrama Devi, who was one of the popular women leaders of the Kakatiya dynasty. Rana Daggubati, Prakash Raj and Krishnam Raju are playing important roles under direction of Gunasekhar. Gunasekhar himself is producing this movie under Guna Team Works and Ilaiyaraaja is giving tunes.
Anushka is playing the title role queen Rudrama Devi, who was one of the popular women leaders of the Kakatiya dynasty. Rana Daggubati, Prakash Raj and Krishnam Raju are playing important roles under direction of Gunasekhar. Gunasekhar himself is producing this movie under Guna Team Works and Ilaiyaraaja is giving tunes.