The film Auto Nagar Surya, starring Naga Chaitanya and Samantha, will see a grand audio launch in the first week of December, say the sources. The film directed by Deva Katta saw its first trailer released last week which fetched a massive response from film lovers.
The movie is being planned for release at the earliest. The shooting is now largely complete after which the film will progress to post production rapidly.
Anoop Ruebens has composed for the film which will see Naga Chaitanya returning to the big screen after a long while.Incidentally, this is the second time Naga Chaitanya and Samantha have been paired, after Ye Maaya Chesaave. The duo are also paired in Akkineni home production, Manam, that is currently under production.
Hopefully Auto Nagar Surya turns the tables for Nag Junior who badly needs a hit.
The movie is being planned for release at the earliest. The shooting is now largely complete after which the film will progress to post production rapidly.
Anoop Ruebens has composed for the film which will see Naga Chaitanya returning to the big screen after a long while.Incidentally, this is the second time Naga Chaitanya and Samantha have been paired, after Ye Maaya Chesaave. The duo are also paired in Akkineni home production, Manam, that is currently under production.
Hopefully Auto Nagar Surya turns the tables for Nag Junior who badly needs a hit.
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