Naga Chaitanya, Samantha starrer Auto Nagar Surya is fast nearing completion. Directed by Deva Katta, the film is set in the backdrop of automobile industry and it narrates the story of an angry young man who stands up against the system to put an end to the atrocities. K Atchi Reddy is producing the film and R R Movie Makers is presenting it.
Talking about the film, K Atchi Reddy said, “Except for a item song, the rest of the film’s shooting has been wrapped up. We are going to shoot this item song from November 27 onwards and it’ll be completed in four days. On the other hand, the post production is also going on in full swing and currently, the dubbing process is going on.”
On the eve of Naga Chaitanya’s birthday, the theatrical trailer of the film was released and we can’t help but rave about what we have seen. The trailer packs a punch without a doubt and we can’t wait to see what Deva Katta has done this time. Anup Rubens has scored the music and Srikanth Naroj is the cinematographer. The film is expected to hit the screens in December this year.
Talking about the film, K Atchi Reddy said, “Except for a item song, the rest of the film’s shooting has been wrapped up. We are going to shoot this item song from November 27 onwards and it’ll be completed in four days. On the other hand, the post production is also going on in full swing and currently, the dubbing process is going on.”
On the eve of Naga Chaitanya’s birthday, the theatrical trailer of the film was released and we can’t help but rave about what we have seen. The trailer packs a punch without a doubt and we can’t wait to see what Deva Katta has done this time. Anup Rubens has scored the music and Srikanth Naroj is the cinematographer. The film is expected to hit the screens in December this year.
Auto Nagar Surya Official Trailer