Pokiri girl Ileana has created a wave in Bollywood with her debut flick Barfi. Most of the best debut actress awards have fallen into her kitty for the same film. However, Ileana was very careful in choosing the scripts that came her way. She didn’t want to use the success of Barfi by signing every film and make more money.
Her second Hindi film, Phata Poster Nikhla Hero’ bombed at box-office. Now Ileana is doing an untitled film under the direction of David Dhawan. This film is a remake of Ram’s Kandireega. The dusky beauty has pinned all her hopes on this flick to establish as a commercial heroine.
Her second Hindi film, Phata Poster Nikhla Hero’ bombed at box-office. Now Ileana is doing an untitled film under the direction of David Dhawan. This film is a remake of Ram’s Kandireega. The dusky beauty has pinned all her hopes on this flick to establish as a commercial heroine.