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  • Breaking News

    Tuesday, 26 November 2013

    Lady Gaga's pee bottled up as perfume

    Lady Gaga pee bottled up as perfume, Lady Gaga, Pee, Perfume, Urine
    Seems like donning the meat dress by pop sensation Lady Gaga was not the end to her bizarre tale, the fresh one too is something much unexpected.

    Thos time Lady Gaga's urine has been bottled up as a perfume, which has been referred to as a pop culture artifact.
    On the show, Late Night, the 27-year-old singer was backstage and couldn't make it to the ladies room and hence ended up going to a dressing room where she squatted in a trashcan, says the Mirror.

    TV presenter Andy Cohen decanted the 'Poker face' hitmaker's pee into a bottle saying that they could put it somewhere in the clubhouse.

    One of his personal assistants found a recipe to make it into perfume and cooked up Gaga's fragrant sample for all to enjoy.


