Tamil Yester year star Karthik's son Goutham Karthik who debuted with Crazy director Manirathnam's Kadali is now selected for yet another film now. Though his first film Kadali failed at the box office, Gowtham's performance was more applauded and thus is Super star Rajinikanth's family getting ready do the second film of Karthik.
There is a news heard in the Tamil sources that Rajanikanth's daughter Aiswarya Dhanush would be doing a film with Goutham Karthik. Aiswarya would be producing the film also. Anirudh who was popular with the Kolaveri song of 3 would be repeated for this also.
As Aiswarya's debut directorial film '3' failed at the box office she had been silent from then. The music of the film by Anirudh was a big success. Now need to see how far would the second film for both Aiswarya as the director and Goutham as the hero give luck to them.
There is a news heard in the Tamil sources that Rajanikanth's daughter Aiswarya Dhanush would be doing a film with Goutham Karthik. Aiswarya would be producing the film also. Anirudh who was popular with the Kolaveri song of 3 would be repeated for this also.
As Aiswarya's debut directorial film '3' failed at the box office she had been silent from then. The music of the film by Anirudh was a big success. Now need to see how far would the second film for both Aiswarya as the director and Goutham as the hero give luck to them.