Remember Asha Saini, more popular as 'Lux Paapa'!. She recently rejected a lavish offer from Pakistani film makers showing her patriotism. Asha danced with Natasimha Balakrishna to sorch silver screens in Narasimha Naidu.
Recently Pakistani actor Manjar Sehbai who is starring in 'French Colony' under Shermad Sehbhai direction offered Asha Saini lead role in his project. However Asha rejected the project as even the IQ Studio which is producing the film is from Pakistan.
Reasoning out she says Pakistanis are good film makers and take good films and speak good things about India when they are in the country, however the moment they reach Pak, they speak lowly of India and question why should she star in such peoples' films. She says as an Army Officer's daughter even she should display her patriotism.
Recently Pakistani actor Manjar Sehbai who is starring in 'French Colony' under Shermad Sehbhai direction offered Asha Saini lead role in his project. However Asha rejected the project as even the IQ Studio which is producing the film is from Pakistan.
Reasoning out she says Pakistanis are good film makers and take good films and speak good things about India when they are in the country, however the moment they reach Pak, they speak lowly of India and question why should she star in such peoples' films. She says as an Army Officer's daughter even she should display her patriotism.