Tamannah who is all set to explode on Bollywood with her Himmatwala remake says films are meant to entertain all and her job is to entertain all. She says many feel that songs and hero introduction fights are not necessary in films but there are many fans who come only for that after waiting in queue for long hours.
When asked why off late she increased her glamor shows, she said from the beginning she is like that but promises not to cross her limits. She says masala is not wrong in mass films. She agrees that she was more glamorous in Rebel and in Cameraman Gangato Rambabu thrilled all as tomboy.
When asked why off late she increased her glamor shows, she said from the beginning she is like that but promises not to cross her limits. She says masala is not wrong in mass films. She agrees that she was more glamorous in Rebel and in Cameraman Gangato Rambabu thrilled all as tomboy.