Vimala Raman whose voluptuous presence on screen gave sleepless nights to many promises to entertain Tollywood movie lovers with her voice. Vimala off late is making her presence felt in various functions and events as there are no takers for her. She recently became center of attraction in recently concluded Celebrity Cricket League.
She says many say her voice is peculiar and suggest to do dubbing. She says her telugu is good and she will certainly do dubbing. She says her dreams to dub was cut short due to lack of time. She expressed her happiness at Tollywood and movie lovers treating her as telugu gal though she is a tamilian.
She says many say her voice is peculiar and suggest to do dubbing. She says her telugu is good and she will certainly do dubbing. She says her dreams to dub was cut short due to lack of time. She expressed her happiness at Tollywood and movie lovers treating her as telugu gal though she is a tamilian.