Ranveer Singh, who has suffered injuries while working on the sets of his upcoming films Gunday, Lootera and Ram Leela, seems to have got injured again! The actor reportedly hurt his fingers while shooting a sequence for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram Leela.
Sources claim that for a scene, Singh was supposed to ring some bells in a temple and during the take, he ended up injuring his fingers, which started bleeding profusely. However, Singh completed the scene without calling for a break. In the past, Ranveer had suffered a back injury while working on Lootera at Dalhousie. After that, while working on Gunday, he had suffered a nasty gash to his cheek and also injured his foot when he stepped on a piece of glass.
In Ram Leela, Singh will be seen opposite Deepika Padukone and the film is supposed to be the Indian version of Romeo And Juliet.
Tags : Ranveer Singh | Lootera | Ram Leela | Gunday
Sources claim that for a scene, Singh was supposed to ring some bells in a temple and during the take, he ended up injuring his fingers, which started bleeding profusely. However, Singh completed the scene without calling for a break. In the past, Ranveer had suffered a back injury while working on Lootera at Dalhousie. After that, while working on Gunday, he had suffered a nasty gash to his cheek and also injured his foot when he stepped on a piece of glass.
In Ram Leela, Singh will be seen opposite Deepika Padukone and the film is supposed to be the Indian version of Romeo And Juliet.
Tags : Ranveer Singh | Lootera | Ram Leela | Gunday