Actor Shakti Kapoor's son, Siddhanth Kapoor is making his acting debut with Sanjay Gupta's upcoming film Shootout At Wadala and it seems that the newbie has managed to impress the lead actor of the movie, John Abraham with his acting skills.
At a recently held event, John was all praise for Kapoor and also claimed that he'll be the next superstar of Bollywood. “Siddhanth Kapoor is another super star of tomorrow. He is absolutely brilliant, he plays Gyanchod in the film. His performance is outstanding and after this film, mark my words, we'll have another star,” said the 40-year-old.
Siddhant, who was also present at the do, also took the opportunity to thank John for mentoring him all through the film's shoot. “John has gone out of his way to just help me out and gave me so much of confidence and half my performance, I'll give it to these guys,” he stated.
SAW also stars Anil Kapoor, Kangna Ranaut, Manoj Bajpayee, Sonu Sood and Tusshar Kapoor in pivotal roles alongside Abraham and is slated to release on May 3, this year.
Tags : John Abraham | Siddhanth Kapoor | Sanjay Gupta | Shootout At Wadala
At a recently held event, John was all praise for Kapoor and also claimed that he'll be the next superstar of Bollywood. “Siddhanth Kapoor is another super star of tomorrow. He is absolutely brilliant, he plays Gyanchod in the film. His performance is outstanding and after this film, mark my words, we'll have another star,” said the 40-year-old.
Siddhant, who was also present at the do, also took the opportunity to thank John for mentoring him all through the film's shoot. “John has gone out of his way to just help me out and gave me so much of confidence and half my performance, I'll give it to these guys,” he stated.
SAW also stars Anil Kapoor, Kangna Ranaut, Manoj Bajpayee, Sonu Sood and Tusshar Kapoor in pivotal roles alongside Abraham and is slated to release on May 3, this year.
Tags : John Abraham | Siddhanth Kapoor | Sanjay Gupta | Shootout At Wadala