It seems like the fans of powerful actor Nandamuri Balakrishna are unhappy with the Baadshah of Telugu cinema aka Jr NTR. Apparently they want more clarity from him and this is expressed by Balayya's fans association president.
Balakrishna Seva Samiti president Kotamreddy Srinivasulu Reddy insisted that Jr NTR should give more clarity on the things happening with Kodali Nani. 'Jr NTR has given clarity about his presence with Telugudesam, but he should also condemn Kodali Nani for accusing TDP and Chandrababu with derogatory stuff', said K S Reddy. He attacked Jr NTR saying that young tiger should involve more in this controversy and should blast YSR-Congress for their using NTR's image on their flexi.
This fans association president is also town secretary of Nellore TDP and his words are sure backed by TDP leaders also. We have to see what clarity Jr NTR will give now.
Tags : Balakrishna fans upset with Baadshah, Balakrishna fans Association president slams at NTR, Balakrishna fans demanding detailed explanation from NTR in Kodali Nani Issue, NTR Flexi Issue
Balakrishna Seva Samiti president Kotamreddy Srinivasulu Reddy insisted that Jr NTR should give more clarity on the things happening with Kodali Nani. 'Jr NTR has given clarity about his presence with Telugudesam, but he should also condemn Kodali Nani for accusing TDP and Chandrababu with derogatory stuff', said K S Reddy. He attacked Jr NTR saying that young tiger should involve more in this controversy and should blast YSR-Congress for their using NTR's image on their flexi.
This fans association president is also town secretary of Nellore TDP and his words are sure backed by TDP leaders also. We have to see what clarity Jr NTR will give now.
Tags : Balakrishna fans upset with Baadshah, Balakrishna fans Association president slams at NTR, Balakrishna fans demanding detailed explanation from NTR in Kodali Nani Issue, NTR Flexi Issue