Allu Sirish,Yami Gautham’s bilingual entertainer ‘Gauravam’ directed by Radha Mohan which is releasing on 19th of April landed in trouble with its Tamil version. According to sources, the all powerful Gounder community in Tamil Nadu asked the state government to ban the Prakash Raj produced film as the ‘Gauravam’ story line is based on honor killing which may instigate communal disharmony.
The community submitted written petition to the Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam representing the Gounder community and the neglected Kongu region of Tamil Nadu which will in turn forward it to the state Government.President of the Kongu Vellala Gondergal Peravai, Manikandan Pongalur said “In the trailer of the film, released recently, a large group of non-Daliths are shown indulging in honour killing against inter-caste marriage in some part of Tamil Nadu. We fear this may upset the sentiments of several communities in the state and pave way to communal violence,”.
The community submitted written petition to the Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam representing the Gounder community and the neglected Kongu region of Tamil Nadu which will in turn forward it to the state Government.President of the Kongu Vellala Gondergal Peravai, Manikandan Pongalur said “In the trailer of the film, released recently, a large group of non-Daliths are shown indulging in honour killing against inter-caste marriage in some part of Tamil Nadu. We fear this may upset the sentiments of several communities in the state and pave way to communal violence,”.