Puri Jagannadh had started filming the only leftover song in his upcoming movie, Iddarammayilatho. The song shoot is in progress at Annapurna 7 acres studio where a huge set was erected by Art director, Brahma Kadali. After the song shoot, the movie unit will fly to Bangkok for a minor schedule. With this the movie shooting will be complete. The movie is being planned for May 24th release. The recently released theatre trailer of the movie got good response from the audience.
Amala Paul and Catherine Tresa are the heroines. Puri Jagannadh who earlier delivered a super hit to Bunny in the form of Desamuduru is the director of this film. The film is being produced by Bandla Ganesh under Parameswara Arts banner. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer.
Amala Paul and Catherine Tresa are the heroines. Puri Jagannadh who earlier delivered a super hit to Bunny in the form of Desamuduru is the director of this film. The film is being produced by Bandla Ganesh under Parameswara Arts banner. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer.