Salman Khan’s Mental had incurred 25 Crore due to the dispute between stuntmen from the South and Mumbai. The movie has lost around 12 days of shooting and has reportedly incurred a loss of 25 crore. Producer-director Sohail Khan has hired a leading South Indian fight master for the film.
As per the All India Film Employees Confederation (AIFEC), 70% of the fighters have to be local (in this case, from the Hindi film industry) and 30% from the region of the fight master. But fighters from the South refused to shoot, demanding 50% of their men be hired for the action scenes. Finally, this lead to a deadlock between both the groups and the shooting was called off.
As per the All India Film Employees Confederation (AIFEC), 70% of the fighters have to be local (in this case, from the Hindi film industry) and 30% from the region of the fight master. But fighters from the South refused to shoot, demanding 50% of their men be hired for the action scenes. Finally, this lead to a deadlock between both the groups and the shooting was called off.