Shah Rukh Khan, who is known as Bollywood's 'King Of Romance', claims that he owes a huge part of his success to his leading ladies. At a recently held event, SRK stated that other than directors and producers, actresses who have worked with him have contributed a lot to his stardom.
"I feel all the people whom I have worked with, directors, producers actors, they are all very beautiful people and they have all worked very hard with me but I do owe my career to most of the leading ladies and actresses like Farida Jalal Ji, Reema Lagoo ji, I don't want to discount their names. A lot of my romantic films have done very well, all of my songs are beautiful because I think the ladies in them have been fantastic. So I respect them a lot, I miss them even when I'm not working with them, I think of them a lot, I try and stay in touch as much as I can beyond my business and schedules," he stated.
"I always say that most of my stardom apart from producers-directors, is due to the leading ladies and all the ladies who have worked with me and I share a lot of love and goodness with them," he further added.
King Khan had also announced in the recent past that the credits of his films will feature the name of his actress before his.
Tags : Shah Rukh Khan
"I feel all the people whom I have worked with, directors, producers actors, they are all very beautiful people and they have all worked very hard with me but I do owe my career to most of the leading ladies and actresses like Farida Jalal Ji, Reema Lagoo ji, I don't want to discount their names. A lot of my romantic films have done very well, all of my songs are beautiful because I think the ladies in them have been fantastic. So I respect them a lot, I miss them even when I'm not working with them, I think of them a lot, I try and stay in touch as much as I can beyond my business and schedules," he stated.
"I always say that most of my stardom apart from producers-directors, is due to the leading ladies and all the ladies who have worked with me and I share a lot of love and goodness with them," he further added.
King Khan had also announced in the recent past that the credits of his films will feature the name of his actress before his.
Tags : Shah Rukh Khan