After Simbu and Prabhudeva, the new rumor on nayanathara’s romantic personal life will be joined with name of Tamil hero Arya. Apparently, buzz from Chennai circles even quote on both of them have already married secretly. While Nayan remained immune without responding to any of such gossips, her close friends completely denied this as a baseless work from gossipmongers.
Even in the past, presence of Nayan at housewarming ceremony of Arya led to similar speculations which died off gradually. They both worked together for ‘Nene Ambani’ film, a run away blockbuster in Tamil. Currently, Nayan has plenty of projects both in Telugu and Tamil while Arya got ‘Crazy’ released just few days ago. Let us see, how far this rumor will stay in market.
Even in the past, presence of Nayan at housewarming ceremony of Arya led to similar speculations which died off gradually. They both worked together for ‘Nene Ambani’ film, a run away blockbuster in Tamil. Currently, Nayan has plenty of projects both in Telugu and Tamil while Arya got ‘Crazy’ released just few days ago. Let us see, how far this rumor will stay in market.