Tamil star Vijay is known for his Telugu movie remakes. He has scored a number of hits in Tamil with such remakes and as per the buzz, he is now expressing a keen interest on acquiring the remake rights of Young Tiger NTR’s ‘Baadshah’. The film has been generating a tremendous buzz with its pre-release talk and Vijay has approached Producer Bandla Ganesh through PVP pictures. Discussions are at an advanced stage.
The movie is expected to be a comedy entertainer and Sreenu Vaitla has directed it. Kajal Agarwal will be seen as the heroine in the film and Suhasini will be seen as NTR’s mother. Navdeep will be seen in a negative role.
Music has been composed by Thaman. The film is gearing up for a massive release on April 5th.
The movie is expected to be a comedy entertainer and Sreenu Vaitla has directed it. Kajal Agarwal will be seen as the heroine in the film and Suhasini will be seen as NTR’s mother. Navdeep will be seen in a negative role.
Music has been composed by Thaman. The film is gearing up for a massive release on April 5th.