If Chiranjeevi is the Megastar of Telugu speaking state, then Amitabh Bachchan is the Superstar for many states in India. However Big B failed in certain aspects, for which Chiru is hugely trying now. Check this story.
Apparently Bollywood's super star Amitabh Bachan too joined Congress party long back due to his association with Rajeev Gandhi's family. He became Congress MP for Loksabha from Allahabad, UP way back in 1984. But unable to rise like a star in political circuits that are completely dominated by Nehru family, Amitabh retired from politics in no time. At this moment, one will be reminded of Megastar Chiru and his followers who are chanting all the time about his CM candidature for 2014 elections.
Many say that Congress bosses will never give a chance to Chiru to rise like phoenix, as the big-wigs want no one to grab attention of people except someone from Nehru-Gandhi family. Because in Karnataka, there was much response to Chiru's meets than Sonia or Rahul's meets and that is miffing the top-brass of party now. So will all these forces allow Chiru to become a star-force which Amitabh failed to?
Also, with Karnataka results scheduled for today, the war starts in Congress if they win huge seats to form government. The war is between followers of Chiru and followers of Nehru family. Stay tuned.