Film ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’ directed by Harish Shankar will have a pleasant surprise for NTR fans. Their beloved hero Jr.NTR for the first time in his film career will ride the horse in this film. Hence, he is taking training in horse riding club at Hyderabad. Earlier in the past, his grand father late NTR has won the hearts of the people with his heroic horse riding shows in several films. Almost all the yesteryear heroes and even some heroines have acted in horse riding scenes as and when the story demands.
Even, Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna and few others are also acted in the horse riding scenes in some films to please their fans. But, in the present generation hardly there are very few heroes like Ram Charan Tej, who likes to act in horse riding scenes. Probably, now Prabhas and Rana may also have to learn horse riding for their period film Bahubali. Now, Jr.NTR’s horse riding show in ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’ definitely will make his fans very happy.