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  • Breaking News

    Friday, 10 May 2013

    Nani Getting Relief From 'Paisa'

    RR Movie Makers to finissh on Nani Paisa, Nani paisa gets Completed, RR Movie Makers, Krishna Vamsi paisa

    Two films that received a big blow during production times are slowly getting some relief it seems. Production house RR Makers is now showing some signs of recovery if Film Nagar reports are to be believed.

    Lack of proper managerial skills and huge investments for unnecessary things have led the balloon of RR Makers to burst in Tollywood. This has direct impact on two films, Autonagar Surya and Paisa, which indirectly limped the careers of Chaitu, Nani, Deva Katta and creative director Krishnavamsi. However it is heard now that 'Paisa' got a bit of relief as the producers are trying to finish the pending work of this project. Right now the focus is on post-production and our creative director is busy giving final touches to ready the first copy.

    Though hero Nani is having enough projects on hand, the release of 'Paisa' will give him much needed relief as people got not chance to watch him on silver screen after 'Eega'.

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