Telangana Rashtra Samithi leaders Harish Rao and Etela Rajender have made some sensational comments today. They claimed that some people are planning to get party president K Chandrasekhar Rao killed and have already paid 'supari' to get it done.
'We have full information that some people are conspiring to murder KCR in the coming days. When time comes, we will reveal the names', said Harish Rao. He alleged that Congress government is not responding to their pleas demanding a Z Category security to the TRS party president. Demanding an inquiry into the conspiracy, Harish Rao mentioned that they have submitted the information to Intelligence Bureau already, on which Kiran sarkar is yet to act. 'If at all something happens to KCR, then Telangana will burn', he stressed.
In the wake of protests getting intensified in Coastal region and Rayalaseema for Samaikyandhra, and against Congress decision of formation of Telangana, these claims of TRS leaders are gaining prominence. But Harish Rao should have revealed how who is he pointing guns at rather firing in dark.
'We have full information that some people are conspiring to murder KCR in the coming days. When time comes, we will reveal the names', said Harish Rao. He alleged that Congress government is not responding to their pleas demanding a Z Category security to the TRS party president. Demanding an inquiry into the conspiracy, Harish Rao mentioned that they have submitted the information to Intelligence Bureau already, on which Kiran sarkar is yet to act. 'If at all something happens to KCR, then Telangana will burn', he stressed.
In the wake of protests getting intensified in Coastal region and Rayalaseema for Samaikyandhra, and against Congress decision of formation of Telangana, these claims of TRS leaders are gaining prominence. But Harish Rao should have revealed how who is he pointing guns at rather firing in dark.