Star heroine Samantha who is busy with Telugu and Tamil films is making plans to star in Malayalam films. She herself revealed the same to media. She said she is getting lot of good offers from Malayam and expressing her love said she likes the working style of Malayalee directors and that was the reason why she is planning to do a Malayalee film.
She even expressed her desire to star in small films. Sending signals to small filmmakers she said if she gets good story she will reduce her remuneration. She says she will get more freedom in small films and she has decided to do small films in between big banners and top stars. Samantha is currently starring in Joru,Manam and Autonagar Surya.
She even expressed her desire to star in small films. Sending signals to small filmmakers she said if she gets good story she will reduce her remuneration. She says she will get more freedom in small films and she has decided to do small films in between big banners and top stars. Samantha is currently starring in Joru,Manam and Autonagar Surya.