Superstar Mahesh Babu is currently participating in the shooting of his film with director Sukumar. The shoot is taking place at nights in an area near Kukatpally. A few scenes were canned yesterday night and some more will be shot tonight. Mahesh Babu will be sporting a stylish and rugged new look for this movie.
Kriti Sanon is the heroine in the film and Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music. The untitled project is being produced by 14 Reels Entertainment banner with a big budget and plans are being made to release the film in the second half of this year. Mahesh Babu’s biggest blockbuster, ‘Dookudu’, was produced by the same banner.
The movie is expected to be a thriller, with stylish action and new age music.
Kriti Sanon is the heroine in the film and Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music. The untitled project is being produced by 14 Reels Entertainment banner with a big budget and plans are being made to release the film in the second half of this year. Mahesh Babu’s biggest blockbuster, ‘Dookudu’, was produced by the same banner.
The movie is expected to be a thriller, with stylish action and new age music.