It is looking almost as if Trisha is no longer required in Tollywood because after ‘Dammu’ she has not been seen in any films. Though she is doing ‘RUM’ right now it is not the quintessential top league film that Trisha has always been famous for. But still, Trisha has got good demand in her hometown Chennai.
Meanwhile, there is news that Trisha is getting philosophical by the day. It is heard that whenever she needs a retreat she chooses to go for foreign locations and spend some time doing soul searching. Right now, the update is that Trisha has begun getting into some serious weight loss program.
Not only that, soon she will be heading to France and another country in Europe as part of her shooting for a Tamil film but she would also take time out and spend some time in solitude to do some soul searching. Whether it is the age catching up or Trisha’s different approach towards life is something of a mystery..
Meanwhile, there is news that Trisha is getting philosophical by the day. It is heard that whenever she needs a retreat she chooses to go for foreign locations and spend some time doing soul searching. Right now, the update is that Trisha has begun getting into some serious weight loss program.
Not only that, soon she will be heading to France and another country in Europe as part of her shooting for a Tamil film but she would also take time out and spend some time in solitude to do some soul searching. Whether it is the age catching up or Trisha’s different approach towards life is something of a mystery..