Director Apurva Lakhia and film makers of Zanjeer tried their best to cast Big B Amitabh, the original Zanjeer star in the remake to raise the stakes of the film. However they were disappointed when Big B expressed his inability to be a part of the project that marks the debut of Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Bollywood.
However now after hearing Big B's confessions will surely make Zanjeer film makers curse his beard. Big B revealed that since he grew long beard for Prakash Jhah's Satyagrah, he felt he can not act as a senior police officer in Zanjeer with the beard!
However now after hearing Big B's confessions will surely make Zanjeer film makers curse his beard. Big B revealed that since he grew long beard for Prakash Jhah's Satyagrah, he felt he can not act as a senior police officer in Zanjeer with the beard!