Shadow Director Meher Ramesh has visited “Kaanipaakam Vinayak” temple today, before the movie release. Meher Ramesh has taken part in Special Pooja and he has taken the Shadow Print along with him to the Temple. The censor board has given “U/A” certificate.The makers of the film are getting ready for the movie release on April 26th.
Tapsee is pairing with Venkatesh for the first time in this movie. Srikanth and Madhurima are playing prominent roles in this action entertainer. SS Thaman gave some knocking tunes and the movie is directed by Meher Ramesh, Paruchari Kireeti is the producer of this movie. For more updates about this movie keep watching
Tapsee is pairing with Venkatesh for the first time in this movie. Srikanth and Madhurima are playing prominent roles in this action entertainer. SS Thaman gave some knocking tunes and the movie is directed by Meher Ramesh, Paruchari Kireeti is the producer of this movie. For more updates about this movie keep watching