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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Funny Comments on Krrish-3

Funny Comments on Krrish-3
Krrish 3 smashed the records of Cheenai Express and still going on successfully in the theatres. Director Rakesh Roshan is so excited as Krrish 3 has hailed as the fastest movie to enter Rs 200 crore. The success of the movie was unprecedented and Rakesh Roshan declared ‘Krrish 4′ coming soon at once.

Whatever may be the box office record says, but the words of general mass is something different. People make fun of the music and impractical superhero powers shown in Krrish 3. Recently some interesting and funny comments are revealed in one of the social networking site. These comments goes like:

“Jadoo decided to take away all the powers given to Krrish and his father, after listening the songs of Krrish 3.”

” A guy was saved from committing suicide when he listen to the music. He thought there is something worser than his life in this world.”

“On the basis of researches, people who set Krrish 3 songs as their alarm tone, make them wake up instantly and its terror effect wont let them sleep for next 24 hours.”

“All the organs are still working even after listening Krrish 3 songs, that’s surprising. Like one of the software installation option, Krrish 3 should also have SKIP option for all its songs.”

“Its unbelievable that a super hero is fooled by a mutant who posed as his wife.”

“The film make people bore for 2.30 hours only to convince that Kangana was not a human.”

“Shaktiman was upset as he missed the chance to save a kid as Krrish done in this movie.”

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