Actor Riteish Deshmukh's maiden production venture, Marathi film Balak Palak, has completed 100 days in the theatres. The actor-producer took to Twitter to express his happiness at this development. Riteish wrote, "BP celebrates 100 days at the cinemas - thank you for all the love, support and appreciation."
Balak Palak, a film about sex education, was co-produced by Uttung Thakur. Riteish had recently announced on Twitter that after Balak Palak, his second production will be Lai Bhari, which will be directed by Nishikant Kamat of Force fame.
Tags : Riteish Deshmukh | Balak Palak
Balak Palak, a film about sex education, was co-produced by Uttung Thakur. Riteish had recently announced on Twitter that after Balak Palak, his second production will be Lai Bhari, which will be directed by Nishikant Kamat of Force fame.
Tags : Riteish Deshmukh | Balak Palak