Congress MP Madhu Yashki Goud has said his party's Rajya Sabha member KVP Ramachandra Rao and TRS were in collusion. He said if KVP was jailed, all the facts about corruption would come out.
Stressing on the need for achieving Telangana before the elections, he questioned how statehood would be possible if TRS withdraws from the war an year ahead of elections. Madhu Yashki also alleged that KVP and some ministers were acting as coverts of Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. He said even some Telangana MPs were stating that Jagan should become the Chief Minister. He said if KVP was jailed, details of all the corruption would come out. He said there is chance of the centre taking a decision on Telangana before the winter session of Parliament.
Stressing on the need for achieving Telangana before the elections, he questioned how statehood would be possible if TRS withdraws from the war an year ahead of elections. Madhu Yashki also alleged that KVP and some ministers were acting as coverts of Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. He said even some Telangana MPs were stating that Jagan should become the Chief Minister. He said if KVP was jailed, details of all the corruption would come out. He said there is chance of the centre taking a decision on Telangana before the winter session of Parliament.